May 1, 2023
How can we reduce preventable deaths on a population level? What are health outcomes research, precision population health, and big data; and how can we utilize these to improve the public's health? What do we hope to learn from the Yale Paxlovid for Long COVID Trial, and how will the finidngs improve patients' lives...
Feb 13, 2023
Jan 9, 2023
How does modern wastewater surveillance compares to that of the previous time periods? What is PCR technology and how has it evolved the tool of wastewater surveillance? What are some of the viewpoints of an infectious disease physician? We consider all of these questions and more in our latest podcast episode with Dr....
Dec 9, 2022
Asylum seekers have unique health needs. We explore the public health and other barriers for those seekers to enter the US in this episode.
Nov 17, 2022
How did public health measures play a role in quickly containing the Monkeypox epidemic? We look at not only public health policy but also why the Smallpox vaccine is so effective in preventing the spread of Monkeypox as part of this episode.