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This Is Awkward

Mar 30, 2023

It feels like we get a million tax forms in the mail every year.

In this special bonus H&R Block Tax Tip episode lets breakdown 3 of the most common 1099 forms that you should be on the look out for each year.


Today's awkwardness is brought to you by H&R Block! Get 15% off Do-It-Yourself Online Tax Filing Products...

Mar 15, 2023

Have you ever found yourself in an awkward situation with a family member that also happens to be your financial advisor and broker? 

In this episode of our podcast, we discuss a listener's question about their complicated relationship with their brother, who owns his own brokerage and has custody of the majority of...

Mar 1, 2023

Have you ever struggled with feelings of fear and stress around money? 

Growing up in a household where discretionary spending was not an option, our listener felt like a financial burden and was hesitant to spend even the few dollars they were given. 

This mentality persisted well into college, where they struggled to...