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The Systems Engineering Podcast

Dec 30, 2022

Discussion with Prof. Olivier de Weck about Technology Roadmapping. Including his 2022 book "Technology Roadmapping and Development: A Quantitative Approach to the Management of Technology" 

Olivier is Apollo Program Professor of Astronautics and Engineering Systems at MIT & the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. Previously Olivier was Editor-in-Chief for INCOSE’s Systems Engineering journal and Senior Vice President for Technology Planning and Roadmapping at Airbus.

Links from discussion:

Time stamps:

  • 00:00:00 Introduction
  • 00:01:00 What is technology Rd mapping and why should their organisation be doing it?
  • 00:02:10 1962 JFK speech “We choose to go to the Moon in this decade…” example of a roadmap?
  • 00:05:55 Figures of Merit (FoM), Utopian points, unachievable roadmaps & solar powered aircraft
  • 00:10:22 Multidisciplinary nature of roadmaps & CFOs Chief Financial Officer is perhaps the most powerful person in the company
  • 00:13:54 Value of traceability. Strategic Drivers to Roadmaps to Figures of Merit to R&D Projects Portfolio
  • 00:16:47 Size of organisations to use roadmaps. Airbus is very complicated company…
  • 00:19:03 Interfacing to suppliers of subsystems (e.g. aero engines)
  • 00:23:36 Large amounts of information & keeping roadmaps updated
  • 00:30:53 Disruptive innovation and Figure of Merit Changes
  • 00:33:40 Handling disruptions from outside an industry (e.g. COVID-19, September 11th, Financial crisis of 2008)
  • 00:36:51 MIT Online Course on Technology Roadmapping
  • 00:38:14 Closing