Jul 7, 2021
Discussion with Jordan about the current state of Systems Engineering and where it can go in the future. Before founding QRA Corp, Jordan was a professor of quantum physics at Dalhousie University.
“QRA Corp’s mission is to accelerate the design process...
Nov 29, 2020
Discussion with Mats Larsson regarding Boris Johnson’s “Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution for 250,000 jobs” announced on 2020-11-18:
May 19, 2020
Subscribe: https://www.joshuasutherland.com/podcast/
Transcript: https://www.joshuasutherland.com/podcast-005/
In this episode we are going to be exploring the CONSEQUENCES of
COVID-19 on SYSTEMS ENGINEERING with SE experts from around the
00:00 Intro - Mini
00:20 Intro - Full
02:11 Dov Dori -...