May 26, 2020
Surrounded by people desperate for a touch of God one afternoon in Cuba, I was reminded how powerful the present-day healing of Jesus Christ through us is and how moving in this ministry draws people into the kingdom.
May 19, 2020
Deciding to follow Jesus isn't one moment in time and then you are left adrift to figure out life on your own. To be clothed in His righteousness is a forever benefit and will equip you to face life with joy despite all that may come against you.
May 12, 2020
The addict has often been an outcast and someone the Church has not known how to handle. In this interview, Pastor Colleen Dick shares how her church has opened doors and gone out into the community to minister.
May 5, 2020
Gaining skill in how to approach God's Word is one of the first ways we develop a deep root system of faith. With scriptures and stories, the reality of experiencing a "living and active Word" is shared.