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Rooted by the Stream with Dr. Pam Morrison

Sep 29, 2020

Director and producer of Paid in Full, Art Thomas, is a firm believer that "powerless Christianity is not an option." His ministry is both local and international. It involves the equipping of so many Christians to heal, evangelize, and plant churches.

Sep 22, 2020

Stories of Christian heroes and martyrs amaze us. But we are not meant to just read and admire. The Holy Spirit can turn every one of us into someone bold and overflowing with joy by His grace, not our effort.

Sep 15, 2020

A prophetic word about the need to pivot, to go in a new direction. The words "pivot," "pivotal," and "pivot with purpose," have been stressed in recent days. Hear what the Spirit is saying about the days ahead.

Sep 8, 2020

Life sometimes blasts us with so much struggle. Many are finding that right now in these days. They are being battered with storms, those of nature, and those of circumstances. But could the storm be a sign? 

Sep 1, 2020

People often wear disguises in church, thinking that being proper is what is expected. But Jesus can meet us anyway and bring total healing of what is hidden. This episode is the interview of a broken man made whole.