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Rooted by the Stream with Dr. Pam Morrison

Aug 31, 2021

Jesus warned Laodicea He would spit them out if they continued to be lukewarm. That warning brings a chill to all of us. Are we passionate, 'God has all of me Christians', or do we 'play at faith?' God can awaken us.

Aug 24, 2021

We have reached a great place of spiritual growth when we truly believe God is good and for us, all of the time; when faced with dire circumstances, we still can say, with conviction, "I know God will help me."

Aug 17, 2021

"It is time for the American church to get back on the offensive." These words were on Mario Murillo's Facebook page. It is time for radical change in the church that we might truly represent Jesus authentically.

Aug 10, 2021

Numerous spontaneous protests erupted in Cuba in recent days. The heavy-handed regime, of course, shut them down but this is a moment of great possibility. Listen to a Cuban pastor's thoughts about his people's future.

Aug 3, 2021

“When a heart fully discovers the true love of the Father, the heart will become revolutionized.” This quote from Melissa Pearce’s Enduring Hope Ministries is her core message and the topic of today’s podcast.