Jan 31, 2023
A friend of mine went through a season of tremendous attack within the Church. But God was faithful and brought him through it.
What do you do when suddenly you seem to have many human enemies, trying to pull you down with gossip and the manipulation of other people's attitudes towards you. Feeling alone and under...
Jan 24, 2023
All of us struggle with feelings of defeat at times. The way gets too hard. Too many challenges are in front of us or we feel like we have failed in some way.
It isn't God's desire for us to remain in this state of mind. Scripture has many stories of people who failed or who felt like failures, but God had a...
Jan 17, 2023
When Jesus encounters each of us and we put our faith in Him, He does a marvelous thing. He utterly transforms us. He doesn't improve our life. He takes us from death to life, from being sinner to being saint. We're given new identity, new purpose, and new power. Because of Him, we become finally capable of really...
Jan 10, 2023
Fear is a troubler of a lot of people. Frightened by the present and the future, personal circumstances as well as global situations, they live life well below the level God wishes for them to live. A life bent by fear results in decisions and actions that are not constructive.
But, we can be free of fear. In many...