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Rooted by the Stream with Dr. Pam Morrison

Jul 12, 2022

Last week I had the honor of being one of the preachers at the Rekindle the Flame Conference in Athens, Georgia.  This conference is sponsored every year by Rick Bonfim Ministries.  Rick, an evangelist, is originally from Brazil but has lived in the US since his teens.  He is a powerful man of God.  It is a powerful conference.

I spoke about what I feel God is bringing in this time - the capacity to know Him more intimately and encounter Him more tangibly and consistently.  For those who hunger for this, this is your time.  It has nothing to do with being well-educated, famous, or equipped with lots of spiritual training (degrees).  It is for the ordinary man, woman and child.

An outpouring of the Spirit is coming like you've never seen or experienced, I believe.  And those who will receive it will have a particular heart posture.  This episode is about that.  You will hear about what's coming and you will hear about getting ready for it.  Rejoice, for it is God's good heart to pour out His Spirit on all flesh in these last days.  His Word says so.

On the Bobby Conner Facebook page, this was recently posted. "This is a season of sensitivity, and if we seek Him, we will find the Lord in a much deeper and more intimate way."  I believe this too.

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13