Oct 26, 2020
One of the best ways to make decision-making easier is to limit your choices. This idea can help you decide on everything from your home to your health.
Podcast shownotes: https://www.nataliewalton.com/podcast/28
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Oct 19, 2020
Creative journeys can take many forms. Meet Kasturi Wren who is a lawyer and a writer, photographer and someone who creates a story in the form of a home. Come listen to her story.
Podcast shownotes: https://www.nataliewalton.com/podcast/27
Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nataliewalton
Oct 12, 2020
Our lives are in many ways a composite of our daily habits. Yet so often we aren't even aware of what they are. Today's episode focuses on how to be more intentional with your habits and make small but significant improvements in you life.
Podcast shownotes: https://www.nataliewalton.com/podcast/26
Oct 5, 2020
Kara Demmrich is an interior designer, serial renovator and well-known to many from her time on the TV series, The Block. Her journey is not what you might expect though, and on this week's episode she shares why she made the decision to pivot her career and some of the biggest lessons she's learnt while working in...