Feb 22, 2021
Ameé Allsop is a New York-based architect who is learning to embrace a new season in her life. The last time we met was while photographing her home for my book Still: The Slow Home. She shares her journey transitioning through the different seasons of her life as an architect, furniture designer, wife and mother.
Feb 15, 2021
How are you at finishing what you start? If it's sometimes a struggle, come listen to this week's episode.
Podcast shownotes: https://www.nataliewalton.com/podcast/41
Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nataliewalton
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Feb 8, 2021
If you've ever wondered how exactly you can make the transition from an intern in interior design to running your own studio, come listen to this week's interview with Mariah Burton. She is an interior designer based in Sydney, Australia who has followed her passion for design and her inner compass to being the...
Feb 1, 2021
Many of the sustainable choices we made in our recent studio renovation brought serious savings. Listen to today's episode for 5 ways you can save when renovating your home.
Podcast shownotes: https://www.nataliewalton.com/podcast/39
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