Sep 10, 2020
Louisiana has the highest incarceration rate in the United States, and the United States has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. Pair this statistic with the fact that most prisoners eventually return to society—what does that mean for our community as a whole; not overlooking victims of crime and not setting anyone up for failure. What can we learn about having a strong community from this dynamic?
Justin Young has a perspective on this relationship between the prisoner population and our community members: Justin was recently released after serving 13 years in the correctional system. In that time, Justin developed the discipline and responsibility to use that time wisely, now setting his sights on leading a productive life.
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Red Stick Strong is a podcast highlighting Baton Rouge business and organizations serving during the pandemic. Hosted by Catherine O'Brien and produced by Branch Out Programs. Follow Red Stick Strong on Instagram. Do you know a BR business that needs a shout-out? Tell Catherine!