Apr 5, 2022
Going through an immense betrayal can be the most difficult thing to get over.
In fact, it makes it hard for us to trust others again.
Believe me. I know how it feels. My ex-husband cheated on me, and he was the last person I’d have ever thought to be capable of hurting me.
It took me some time to realize that trust has to start within ourselves.
Tune in to this episode on 3 Ways To Learn How To Trust Again.
Key points covered in this episode:
✔️Know your inner wisdom. You’ll never learn how to trust others if you don’t trust yourself. Listen to that inner wisdom inside of you. It’s that comforting voice that guides you to understand and learn when to let go.
✔️Determine your core values. To figure them out, group together all the words that resonate with you, and pick out the most powerful ones. Fully understand what matters most to you.
✔️Trust your intuition. It can feel like the universe whacking your head with a two-by-four. It’s sudden. It’s spontaneous. And it’s there to protect you.
It teaches you to avoid destructive patterns and leads you to the people with the best intentions.
✔️Your inner wisdom will always be in your favor. Know the difference between the negative voice and your inner wisdom. The negative voice judges.
Your inner wisdom is a soft, subtle push that stirs a pot of love and tenderness.
✔️Your values are your inner compass. “Should I trust this person or not? I can’t even trust my own feelings!” Check back on your values, and let them lead to your decision. Ask yourself the right questions, so you can gauge what trust feels like in your heart.
✔️Build your intuition muscle in your recovery process. Part of working on your intuition is starting to trust it. It’ll never let you down. And the only way to intensify it is to pay attention to which part of your body it hits and what it tries to tell you.
Connect with Wendy Sterling:
Website: https://wendysterling.net/
Instagram: @divorcerehabwithwendy
Twitter: @thedivorcerehab
Facebook: @wendytsterling
Need an opportunity to share your pain points and receive judgment-free support? Want to create a vision of a future after your divorce? Click here to schedule your Free Divorce Recovery Call: https://calendly.com/wendysterling/support-call-with-wendy?month=2021-07