Apr 19, 2022
We've all been there, dealing with a narcissistic co-parent that puts our bodies into defensive mode every time we try to handle their inflexibility, arrogance and unhealthy feelings of self-importance.
Whether it's a full-blown personality disorder or simply has the characteristics that test your boundaries, don't let your narcissistic ex wear you down by learning how to speak with them effectively.
Join this powerful conversation on the Divorced Woman's Guide show ▶️ Communicating with a Narcissist with Wendy Sterling.
✔️ We're often quick to react when communicating with a narcissistic ex. Release the initial urge to respond and hit them back with painful words as they hurl them at you. All that's going to do is make you feel bad. It's going to hurt your relationship with the people in your life, and at the end of the day, it doesn't achieve the outcome that you want in the easiest way possible for you.
✔️ A tell-tale sign of a narcissistic person is the language. If you're hearing them say "YOU" all the time – You're doing this, You're responsible for this, You're creating this, that's a finger-pointing game where they're trying to turn the story back on you like you did something wrong, trying to manipulate, gaslight and hit at you with emotional, verbal abuse. And so, understanding when that is happening is crucial.
✔️ Recalibrate to take your power back. You hear them say something and pinning back at you for doing something wrong. When this happens, I invite you to take a breath. Just take a second and hold; you do not have to respond right away. Remember, there is power in the pause.
When you react without thought, you're giving that person your power rather than choosing to respond calmly and frame an answer that will help you get your way and aid a beneficial situation for you and your kids.
✔️ Live your best life even when co-parenting. It's really valuable that we learn how to shift our communication with our ex from the lens of an ex-spouse into a parenting partner. I teach how you can start communicating from a place where you feel seen and heard instead of constantly feeling that the conversation is turned on you. Get out of the tailspin and live your best life, even when co-parenting.
Learn more at www.coparentingapart.com
Connect with Wendy Sterling:
Website: https://wendysterling.net/
Instagram: @divorcerehabwithwendy
Twitter: @thedivorcerehab
Facebook: @wendytsterling
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