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Wholistic Hearts- A Journey from the Head to the Heart, Encounters with Jesus

Jul 28, 2022

Wrapping up our Summer Series, we read the last and final chapter of Song of Songs. Think about all the ways Jesus has shown up for you in your life. Today's encounter helps us to intentionally celebrate how Jesus has shown you your true Kingdom identity and united us with himself.

ENJOY! I pray each of these encounters...

Jul 21, 2022

What does it look like to be His Beloved? 

Plug in your headphones, grab your journal and pen, and find a spot where you can pause and encounter this Kingdom Love from Song of Songs 7.  


The love Jesus has for us is life giving and calls all of our senses to attention.  

I'd love to hear from you. Come follow me on...

Jul 14, 2022

We know WE can be overwhelmed by Jesus' love.  But, did you know we can overcome Jesus?

"Overpowered by a glance, my ravished heart- undone. Held captive by your love, I am truly overcome!" -The Bridegroom-King 

Song of Songs 6:5

Jesus literally is overwhelmed by our love! It's true! Our delight in Jesus has an impact. ...

Jul 7, 2022

We are journeying through the pages of Song of Songs and are already in chapter 5.  Last week we asked Jesus the question, "How do you find me beautiful today?"  

This week we get to turn our eyes to Him and write Him a love letter.  Chapter 5 is all about the Bride discovering how much she longs and desires for her...