Apr 1, 2021
Hey Friend! Welcome to Wholistic Hearts podcast! Today we officially begin our new series "Pursuing Connection," and I wanted to begin with talking about the importance of connecting to our bodies. My dear friend from Deeply Rooted Collective- Cherie Snyder, joins me again on the show to dive in deeper into the well of connection to our bodies. She leads me through a beautiful exercise at the beginning of the show- which I invite you into a very vulnerable and interactive space for yourself, too.
We discuss together a book which has helped us recognize how our bodies holds onto trauma. It is an intriguing, fascinating book- The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk M.D. Please check it out if you want to dig into the fascinating connection of our body holding trauma.
To follow Cherie Snyder and all she is doing, head to Instagram @deeplyrooted_collective.
Join me in our new Facebook group, Mind Body Spirit Holistic Faith for Moms.
Need further Holy Spirit Life Coaching? Connect with me and let's schedule your first free session.