Jun 3, 2022
It is summer time which means the conditions are right for a break in order to refresh for the fall here on ShelbyRadio.
Enjoy this 'last' episode until we see you again on August 15, 2022.
The Queen of Total Wellness Official Site
Mentioned in this episode:
Welcome to The Relationship Reset
Thank you for tuning into...
Jun 2, 2022
Today is the 2 year anniversary of ShelbyRadio and it is also the day that Mercury is finally going direct! What a great day to bring in the information of reinventing yourself.
If you are at a place in your world right now where you feel you are doing a reinvention in your life, this is the episode for you!
Jun 1, 2022
When you go through an emotional reset as the emotional waves are hitting, there is a calm after the emotional storm that happens, this is the calming of the nervous system.
Enjoy listening to this beautiful message of calming frequency and inner wisdom to learn how to receive this energy into your energy foundation.