Aug 29, 2022
So what happens when your man has been programming wanting to be a land 'owner' and then he pulls in a land to 'lease?'
I will tell you what happens...
You find out how far down he has been in his energies in order to activate his foundational core to stay in the light.
This story is a real time incident of how my husband pulled in his land after we went on a weekend trip looking for land. However, it came through as a year lease. The real adventure happened when we went to see the land and the female aspect (me) saw what the land truly was about & why I would never set foot on that land again.
There truly is a difference between how a man does land in his warrior and how a woman does land in her priestess.
Enjoy this story as you live vicariously through our experience.
Mentioned in this episode:
Welcome to The Relationship Reset
Thank you for tuning into Shelby Radio. I want you to know I have a new podcast called The Relationship Reset. And it's about embarking on a journey that seeks to heal our maternal wounds, so that we can resolve our generational trauma and embark on our spiritual ascension to a life where we carry a lighter load. You can find it on Apple, iTunes, Spotify, or any major podcast platform.