Nov 8, 2023
The inspiration has hit and I have a week and a half of ENERGY that just 'hit' in the form of inspiration so I can now do this episode.
I have been getting a lot of questions asking 'what is going on out here?' There is so much shifting as a collective consciousness in the higher energies which is affecting how we are walking out our human world in the physical; however this is also taking a huge toll on the spiritual energy within us.
Relationships are breaking up, relationships are forming, family is falling apart, family is falling together, careers are changing, lifestyles are shifting and so much more.
Why is all this happening? Simple answer: the elevation of higher frequency called 5th dimension.
In this episode I am going through so many energetic reframes based on the last week and a half that have transpired from numerous client sessions and daily interactions with people in random places.
Nothing 'out here' is making much sense as we shift into new energetic spaces of ourselves so hopefully in this episode it will help you balance some of the confusion.
To learn more about my 5th Dimension course click here.
To learn more about my Relationship Reset course click here