Jul 28, 2021
Michele is a grandmother, real estate agent, and traveler who knew that alcohol was limiting every area of her life. She recently celebrated 90 days AF and has a lot of wisdom to share.
★ - Learn more about Project 90: www.alcoholfreelifestyle.com/Project90
★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a...
Jul 27, 2021
Listen in on an actual Project 90 call. In today's episode, James and his clients interview former P90 client Janna Swales who celebrates two years alcohol free. Learn how Janna's life looks now that she's kicked alcohol to the curb, how she handles social situations, how her 8-year-old son has benefited and much...
Jul 20, 2021
In this episode, I share my mental health challenges. I have an awesome life, but there are times I find life very challenging. Listen and hear how I deal with it and get through with a smile.
★ - Learn more about Project 90: www.alcoholfreelifestyle.com/Project90
★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a...
Jul 18, 2021
Melissa Higgins is 98 days alcohol free. Married with 5 children, Melissa works in a commission job and says she experiences a lot of stress and anxiety. After going alcohol-free with Project 90, she is feeling great and asked herself, "Why did I wait so long?" Listen to her share her journey in this episode.
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Jul 15, 2021
Joe Brennan, 62, is a real estate investor in Long Island, New York. Now 96 days alcohol free, Joe talks about attending his son's wedding and NFL games alcohol free and what he says to people when they ask him why he no longer drinks.
★ - Learn more about Project 90: www.alcoholfreelifestyle.com/Project90
★ -...