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Alcohol-Free Lifestyle

Dec 30, 2022

Statistics show that close to 50% of people quit their New Year resolutions by February! With statistics like that, it is time for a new approach. Join Coach Victoria as she introduces you to a new way of not only sticking to your resolutions, but to achieving more along the way.

★ - Learn more about Project 90:

Dec 27, 2022

James speaks with functional health coach, Chris Browning, about how alcohol can lead to leaky gut, candida, brain fog and poor memory. Discover which alcoholic drinks are the worst and which are the least bad. Is high cholesterole bad for you and should we be eating meat or plant-based?

★ - Learn more about Project...

Dec 22, 2022

What do you value in life? What matters most? Few problem drinkers would say, “alcohol”. Most likely, they would day things like family, health, career, faith and more.

But how do those values show up when we are not sober? Grab a wine or whiskey glass (leave out the booze!) and a pen and paper for a Project 90...

Dec 20, 2022

Four years alcohol free today! Listen how John Keltner got engaged, doubled his work productivity, reconnected with his teenage son, generated better friendships and feels like a 20-something at age 57. John was one of the original clients of Project 90, the flagship stop drinking program with Alcohol Free Lifestyle....

Dec 18, 2022

Coach Victoria English drinks A LOT….she just doesn’t drink alcohol anymore! Like everyone, she wants the holidays to be special and that includes putting something festive in her glass. Tune in as she makes one her favorite alcohol-free mixes.

Being sober at the holidays is a great way to get set for the new year...