Jan 13, 2022
Shanee Lawrence, 46, is an F45 Studio owner in Brisbane, Australia. By Shanee's admission, she was drinking far too much over a number of years and justifying it by claiming "it's normal". With her marriage feeling strained and not being present for her son, Shanee decided to take action. She joined our Project 90 program and is now 117 days alcohol free, as this conversation was recorded. If you want to quit drinking or stop alcohol or live an alcohol-free lifestyle, listen in to Shanee's inspiring story.
★ - Learn more about Project 90: www.alcoholfreelifestyle.com/Project90
★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: https://www.alcoholfreelifestyle.com/schedule
★ - (Free Guide) The Alcohol Freedom Formula For Over 30s Entrepreneurs & High Performers: https://social.alcoholfreelifestyle.com/podcast