Jun 16, 2024
AT OUR AGE is a special podcast that I create to feature everyday people doing extraordinary projects, having a full lifestyle even in their seventies, eighties and beyond. People who are sixty-five and older are my focus on this special podcast. I highlight people who are active and adventurous:
John is the first being interviewed. He plays bacci, tennis, he is our master "composter" at our Gulfport Community Volunteer garden. He does this and more with eleven grandchildren. Nice one minute interview and you'll never guess his age because he exudes youthful humor and energy.
The second interview is with George, our garden resurrectionist.. he rescued our Gulfport community garden that had been neglected. He has been the "planting orchestrator" for over nine years. Even more interesting is that he travels to the Western U.S. from May through mid October in his renovated "camper van" that has everything for comfort. He is a fun west coast swing dancer ( I knew him in NY and we had lots of fun dances together), he and his wife still venture to partner dances. He has begun playing pickleball.
Amazing, Active and Adventure guys!
Check out the links below for more information on these topics and more:
ADVENTURE: ROAD SCHOLAR WEBSITE https://www.roadscholar.org/rs-at-home/
DISCOVER:NELO TRAVEL MEMBERSHIP https://my.NeloLife.com/bhar
@valeriehail56 valerie@allinourminds.com