Dec 18, 2024
I am always thrilled when I find women who are bucking the system in their 60’s and older.
I feel this way because two women, Rosalind Severin McClean and Patt O’Neil are very different writers. Yet they are women of a certain age in their 60’s and seventies. They have chosen the literary paths to share tales, poetry, idea. In turn they show the world that us seniors still have a lot to offer.
Ms. McClean has four titles of note: OCEANS of THOUGHTS Book one, Two and Three. Her latest publicatio, Book Four, is a charming and adventurous children’s book: The Little Pianist. The illustrations are colorful, eye-catching and will keep the attention of toddlers to young readers. Perfect holiday gift and the family can help read along to the young children .
At first glance, one would think that Patt O’Neil's genre is Westerns. Not so. She has a natural talent for story telling. Taking us to places as varied as Venice and Cornwall, readers get a flavor of intrigues and mystery. Her two recent works are collections of short stories: TWO SIDES of the SAME COIN: In-between stories of SHERLOCK HOLMES and John WATSON.
Two Sides of the Same Coin: In-between stories of Sherlock Holmes and John H. Watson: O'Neil, P. A.: 9798859789276: Books
TALES OF THE SOUTHWEST is set in an epic genre from the 1880’s to present day. Readers will taste the difference between water starved deserts, steep canyons unforgiving heat and as Patt O’Neil told me, people share the traits of moving through challenges, issues and problems until they all resolve in their best manner. Such is the storyteller Patt O’Neil taking us into the depths of imagination, strife and history
Tales of the Southwest - Kindle edition by Green, John Franklin, O'Neil, P.A., Pyles, James, Balcom, Gabriella, Crowley, Jay, Hartshorn, Edward C.. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @
Discover Tales of the Southwest - Kindle edition by Green, John Franklin, O'Neil, P.A., Pyles, James, Balcom, Gabriella, Crowley, Jay, Hartshorn, Edward C.. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @
Two Sides of the Same Coin: In-between stories of Sherlock Holmes and John H. Watson: O'Neil, P. A.: 9798859789276: Books
Rosalind Severin McClean, Author
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Oceans of Thoughts Book One on GoodReads
Oceans of Thoughts Book Two on GoodReads
Oceans of Thoughts Book Three on GoodReads