Apr 23, 2024
Baseball for me resembles life in an ironic way. Take for instance these insane umpires and their ejections of the players. Many times they are so wrong that it is impossible to comprehend how they keep employed..
We see this in life also: Our companies do some of the most outlandish acts that have nothing to do with the right call for their employees. The courts are crazy. You name it.
This is going to be a happy change though from so much upheaval and turmoil in our world today.
Let’s celebrate sportsmanlike conduct, crazy plays by the baseball teams and have fun.
It’s Spring and the start of the baseball season so let’s get to it:
Romance - Doesn’t spring remind of you new beginnings especially from the heart?
I love this guy Matt Boggs- he is the guru of dating masterclasses and gives people a real insight into managing the labyrinth of “ HOW TO DATE” in this nutty adventure. Some of his classes include:
He STILL hasn’t asked you out, Valerie?
You’ve been texting each other for weeks, you can feel the chemistry, and… crickets.
You’re ready to take matters into your own hands and ask him out, but you don’t know how to do it without him losing interest, taking you for granted, or ruining the vibe you’ve been having so far…
It’s okay… I got you.
Today I’m sharing with you 5 powerful tips to move things forward and take initiative in a feminine way, so that he feels compelled to chase you!
How to Ask Him Out and Get HIM to Chase You
So that you can get things moving without seeming needy and scaring him off…
Instead, you’ll fire up his passion and his most primal instincts to seduce you and win your heart!
ADVENTURE: ROAD SCHOLAR WEBSITE https://www.roadscholar.orgQUICK LINKS Our Online Classrooms
DISCOVER: Rosalind Severin McClean's poetry
Oceans of Thoughts Online Book Club https:www.amazon.com/dp/0578782200
GUIDANCE Valerie’s Fear of Public
Valerie Hail www.allinourminds.com, @valeriehail56, valerie@allinourminds.com