Jan 30, 2024
Three Great Truths from Price Pritchett
I know someone who is an example of all three
POPTHECREATIVE Known by his family as DAD. And others STEVEN. I share some experiences with Pop, that take us back to an Instagram Class. He is one of the few with whom I have remained friendly because I like his style, content and posts.
Pop is very imaginative and truly bucks the system when creating on Instagram. Seriously.. if you want to learn how to really create on any platform, watch him @popthecreative.
He has learned to follow his own creativity, create every post with a constructive message, forget the algorithm, grow organically listening to his own intuition.
His posts have simplicity: For instance he and his dad created a wonderful studio for podcasters: stunning lighting and backdrops. Pop told me that he realized he should be using this studio FOR HIS OWN WORK..
Funny how number three hit him over the head.. ( the solution to his FUTURE)He also creates a segment called SIP STORIES…. You want to listen to him to get your own creative juices flowing www.popthecreative.com
Kundalini Yoga - my favorite kriya for managing the stresses of all the SOCIAL MEDIA. Three minutes max.. IT WORKS. It’s fast and it’s easy:
Wine - DRY JANUARY for those who abstained completely congratulations. In the book by Ruby Warrington, SOBER CURIOUS, She subtitles it, "The Blissful Sleep, Greater Focus, and Deeper Connection"..Remember that it takes three days for alcohol to leave your system.. just a thought
VALERIE’S NEW "FEAR OF PUBLIC SPEAKING" MINICOURSES.. below is a link for my quick lesson to limit those quesy feelings when you make a speech
Chinese market in NYC order online!
JOHN HUDSON MUSICIAN: I prefer the music to this song because you can DANCE TO IT
CONTACT ME: @valeriehail56
www.alinourminds.com (COMING SOON)