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Full Haus

Aug 22, 2022

We're joined by the always gregarious Gordon Kahl of Achtung Amerikaner to talk tough childhoods, surviving abuse, and hitting escape velocity.

In the second hour we dissect the inevitability of Trump 2024, building our race up vs. attacking our enemies, and The Cop Question. BE THERE

Break: "Horse Soldier" by Cole...

Aug 14, 2022

A classic Full Haus this week as we effortlessly weave between timeless fatherhood content and the biggest stories of the day. Enjoy it...or else!

Break: "The Nationalist" by Final War (DJ Pablo)

Close: "Wish the Lads Were Here" by Skullhead (DJ Sam)

A listener endorses this book if you're worried your marriage may be...

Aug 5, 2022

A committed young ourguy pinched for alleged pro-white activity and facing serious prison time joins us along with veteran corrections officer and proud new father Jack McKracken to discuss all things activism, stoicism in the face of adversity, and best practices should you find yourself behind bars. 

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