Apr 26, 2021
In this episode of Shonen Flop Chibi, David and Jordan give their first thoughts on the Shonen Jump manga Phantom Seer created by Togo Goto (story) Kento Matsuura (art). Listen in as they give an overview of the first chapter, where they think it will go from there, and ultimately their “power word” to describe the...
Apr 19, 2021
In this episode, we, and our very own Tucker Whatley discuss Hirohiko Araki’s Shonen Jump manga Cool Shock B.T. Araki is best known for creating JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure so it’s exciting to see where he started from as this was his first major serialized work. Cool Shock B.T. is the tale of B.T. a mysterious boy...
Apr 12, 2021
In our second ever Shonen Flop Chibi, David and Jordan give their first impressions on Cool Shock B.T. This manga has the honor of being Araki (of Jo Jo's Bizzare Adventure fame) first Shonen Jump series. They also answer some listener questions. Be sure to tune in next week for our thoughts on the entire series,...
Apr 5, 2021
In this episode we, and our guest Hassan from The Nerd Alternative discuss Naoshi Komi's (creator of Nisekoi) Shonen Jump manga Double Arts. In a world stricken by a disease that’s killed over a billion people, protagonists Elraine and Kiri have to navigate the harsh world to try and find a cure. Beyond the dangers of...