Jun 28, 2021
It’s hard being a teenager. It’s even harder when you look like Michelangelo’s The David. We and Shaun Rollins from Anime Out of Context discuss Yuushin Kuroki’s Shonen Jump gag manga Teenage Renaissance! David.
Show Notes:
Jun 21, 2021
In this episode of Shonen Flop Chib, David and Jordan give their first thoughts on the Shonen Jump manga Teenage Renaissance! David, created by Yuushin Kuroki. Listen in as they give an overview of the first chapter, where they think it will go from there, and ultimately their “power word” to describe the series so...
Jun 14, 2021
Got the Need for Godspeed? Join us as we and our guest Lauren O’Neal from Sunday School Dropouts cover Enaga Takabatake’s manga and oh boy was it a piece of holy crap.
Show Notes:
Jun 7, 2021
In this episode of Shonen Flop Chib, David and Jordan give their first thoughts on the Shonen Jump manga Godspeed created by Enaga Takabatake. Listen in as they give an overview of the first chapter, where they think it will go from there, and ultimately their “power word” to describe the series so far. Along with...