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Bootstrappers For Entrepreneurs

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Oct 28, 2020

Risk management is something that property managers often forget about because they are busy putting out fires in the operations. In this episode of Bootstrappers we talk to Paul Vojchehoske about the newest changes to the Fair Housing law, how poor customer service can cause you legal problems, tips on training your...

Oct 20, 2020

In this episode we talk about how Jeremy Aspen got his first clients when he started out and we talk to Jeremy Pound about how to get the most out of a Business Development Manager, when to hire one, what to look for in the hire and how to manage them. This episode is jam-packed with great tips and tricks. This is not...

Oct 14, 2020

In this episode of Bootstrappers we discuss our difficulties of hiring and retaining talent. We discuss the cost of having the wrong people in the wrong positions, and the importance of using uniform questions in an interview, and how to make sure people are a good cultural fit. Later in the show, we are joined by...

Oct 7, 2020

Mental illness and substance abuse cost employers an estimated $225.8 billion each year. Businesses often prioritize physical healthcare over mental healthcare which is a shame because absenteeism or non-productivity due to mental health issues cost businesses dearly. In this episode, we will talk about the hidden cost...