Jun 10, 2020
Bootstrappers is a program designed to bring you up to the minute ideas and concepts to understand what it takes to succeed in business and life.
We bring knowledge into the property management industry from different business industries to create a richer experience for our audience. We invite the best authors, thinkers, and business people to the show and we pick their brains in their areas of expertise.
We interview our guests and gain key insights that can help our audience in their own path to success. You will find here, ideas, knowledge, best practices in a relaxed and fun conversation. No pretense. Our guests get real and share successes as well as failures. If you are looking for an unvarnished look at entrepreneurship and business development this is the show for you.
In this episode, we talk about how to have an effective meeting, how to hold people accountable, and how to talk to people so they will listen. We also discuss the common error of trying to make an employee we love fit in a seat they are not suited for. It's all on this episode of Bootstrappers!
About Chris Mangan: Chris Mangan is the president of Paul Davis Restoration in Sioux City South Dakota and formerly of Omaha. After 25 years of Chris now works as a consultant for businesses across the Omaha area.