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Bootstrappers For Entrepreneurs

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Dec 21, 2022

Is it really a good idea to sell your property management company? Right now there is a lot of anxiety with the accelerated rate with mergers and acquisitions. In this episode, we help you decide whether or not you should consolidate your property management company or go it alone. Eric Wetherington joins us on this...

Dec 7, 2022

How do you protect your company from scams and theft? Most successful people don’t want to talk about the time they fell for a scam or admit that they trusted someone, even close friends and family members, who stole from them.  The percentage of businesses that have had this happen is high, but the number of people...

Nov 23, 2022

What is essential for retaining great people in today’s competitive environment?

Marketing is more complicated than ever - and when people are running a business they can forget that they are also marketing to employees. We are going to talk about how to attract and retain top talent with Matt Vigh, who is CEO and...

Nov 9, 2022

Recruiting and hiring is difficult in itself. But what about retaining your current talent? The #1 reason why employees leave your organization is often benefit packages. There are numerous ways to not only attract the best talent, but also retain employees from leaving. In this episode Gwenn and Jeremy share creative...

Oct 26, 2022

Jeremy and Gwenn have been managing teams remotely since 2008 and we have very strong feelings about best practices, but it is always good to get alternative ideas from others. In this episode we are going to speak to the CMO of Time Doctor, a time tracking software for remote teams, Liam Martin, about best practices in...