Dec 23, 2021
In this bittersweet, definitely-final episode, we're packing up the company along with our childhood dreams, just in time for Christmas (right after one last missing person case at the North Pole and a trip to a stop-motion alternative reality). Nothing can possibly change our minds. Just like nothing can possibly stop Christmas. Again.
Special guests are William Gaminara and Siobhan Redmond
Full Credits | Music listings | Transcripts | Artwork
Also featuring Mariam Bell, Joanna Bending, Leah Harvey, Paul
Dodds, Ashlea Kaye, Daniel Millar, Joe Sellman-Leava and Greg
Snowden. Edit & sound design by Yaz. Cover art
by Jay Bird.
| Twitter: @threescompany
| Instagram: @threescompanyuk
| Facebook: /threesco
Three's Company are Yaz Al-Shaater, Tom Crawshaw and Michael Grady-Hall.