May 30, 2021
Today is Part 2 of a conversation about sex education for parents of gifted kids that we started earlier this year with Dr Matt Zakreski. In this episode, we talk about gender and sexuality as they relate to the gifted population.
As parents of gifted kids, we especially, need to be open to accepting, knowing and...
May 21, 2021
Today I’m speaking with psychologist Kate Plum about the assessment journey for gifted kids.
In this episode we talk about when an IQ Test is helpful, what steps are involved, the pros and cons of assessment, the nuances of cognitive tests for gifted kids, the components of the test and much more.
If you’re a parent...
May 11, 2021
Today I’m speaking with Dr Colm O’Reilly, Director of the Centre of Talented You at Ireland’s Dublin City University, about their awesome program.
In the episode, you’ll hear all about the program CTYI offer, why they offer it and who get’s to attend. We also talk at length about tips for parents of gifted...
May 3, 2021
Welcome to our new series of the Our Gifted Kids Podcast!
We’re starting this series by reflecting on our first 20 episodes. I’ve managed to select 12 of my biggest parenting aha moments and themes that have come from all of the words of wisdom of our guests.
It’s been such a privilege to talk to such generous...