Sep 30, 2023
#087 Unpacking dangerous myths about gifted & 2E boys w/ Deborah Gennarelli
In this episode, we’re talking to Deborah Gennarelli about gifted and twice exceptional (2E) boys. A great episode unpacking those dangerous myths about gifted boys, diving into what makes them different, and providing real hands-on strategies...
Sep 1, 2023
In this episode we’re talking to coach Meghann Birks about being gifted and having ADHD, late-in-life diagnosis, lived experience of ADHD, how we can manage from day to day, the challenges, the strengths, parenting and so much more.
Memorable quote… “
“I think that the flip side of this is that there are things...
Jul 5, 2023
In this episode, we’re talking to the vibrant and dynamic Dr. Victoria Waller about how to use creativity and a gifted child's interests to work on learning differences or practice executive function skills. An episode full of great ideas.
You can find Dr. Waller's ebook “If you can Dream it, You can do it!’...
Jun 7, 2023
Join Dr Marnie Cumner to learn more about executive function in gifted, ADHD and autistic kids and adults and get lots of strategies and tips.
Memorable quote… “
“Executive functioning is that term that relates to the set of thinking skills that are responsible for things like planning, organisation, getting...
May 24, 2023
In our GAW episode, we’re talking to Dr Deborah Ruf about the 5 Levels of Giftedness and her new book which follows those original children who are now all grown up.
Memorable quote… “
“So, those are the five levels and you really can find lists of those with lots of details and early milestones and that's how...