Jul 28, 2021
Lucy Westlake is an adventurer, explorer, triathlete, runner, and speaker. At 17 years old, she can now add World Record Holder to the list. She joins Patrick to talk about trusting yourself and others as you climb to new heights. Learn more about Lucy at www.LucyWestlake.com
Jul 21, 2021
Melissa Agnes is crisis ready and she’s helping leaders and organizations to be ready too. Melissa is the founder of the Crisis Ready Institute. She joins Patrick to discuss understanding the difference between a crisis and an issue, avoiding the 5 crisis-ready hindrances, and doing the right thing by the people you...
Jul 14, 2021
How do you see yourself? How do others see you? NYT bestselling author Tasha Eurich joins Patrick to talk about self-awareness: what it is, why it matters, and how to get better at it. As an organization psychologist, Tasha has worked with countless leaders to help them to realize the benefits of being more...
Jul 7, 2021
Stanley McChrystal is a retired four-star general, former commander of the 75th Ranger Regiment, and a 2x NYT bestselling author. Stan (we asked and that’s what he said to call him) and Patrick get together for the 100th episode of Leadership Lab to discuss the challenges of leading ourselves and others in a...