Oct 28, 2021
This is the 50th Episode of Raw Data! Thank you to our wonderful guests that have made this podcast so enjoyable. We also would not be doing this show if it wasn't for you, the listener. We thank you so very much for your support! We sought to talk with and about the humans that make the data world go around, and we...
Oct 20, 2021
If it wasn't for Rob's interaction with Dave Gainer during his time at Microsoft, there's no doubt that Rob's life and career path would have been vastly different, and very likely not in a good way! Dave currently is Vice President of Product for Microsoft Office, but he's ALWAYS been a great leader of people. As you...
Oct 13, 2021
Imke Feldmann is among the first few to have recognized the incredible value and potential of this thing called Power Pivot in Excel (which was the precursor to Power BI). And did she ever run with it, launching quite the successful solo consultancy and training service! She exemplifies the helpful nature of the data...