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Lynx to the Past

May 6, 2024

Charles Edward Diehl served as president of Southwestern (now Rhodes College) for 32 years, leaving his legacy on the college through its architecture and liberal arts values. In his time as president, Diehl saw a fair share of issues, including being accused of heresy in 1931!


In this episode of Lynx to the Past,...

Apr 3, 2024

Kahlila Bandele continues to explore the history of international students on campus.  On this episode, Maggie and Kahlila discuss the relationship between Chinese students in the 1950s and American Cold War politics. 

One of these students was David Wen-Wei Chang, class of 1955.  While researching this episode, we...

Dec 15, 2023

A follow up episode to part one of "Rhodes and the Cuban Revolution." In this episode the team interviews Roberto Heros, one of the students from Cuba. Heros went on to become a notable cerebrovascular neurosurgeon. He is now 81 years old and still practicing medicine at the University of Miami! Heros graciously took...

Sep 24, 2022

In 1916, Clarence Saunders boasted to the Commercial Appeal, “Piggly Wiggly will be born not with a silver spoon in his mouth, but with a workshirt on his back.”  This scrappy attitude probably appealed to President Charles Diehl who worked just as tirelessly to birth a college in Memphis.

In honor of Rhodes History...

Jun 13, 2022

Over the years, Rhodes has sometimes been nicknamed“Zoo U”, most likely because of our proximity to the Memphis Zoo. On this episode of Lynx to the Past, Kenan Padgett and Maggie Kreis recount stories of all the creatures that have called the campus home over the years—from the cute and fluffy to the extinct and...