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It's Time To Man Up!

May 29, 2021

Nikita is with Roy Jones of the Man Talk podcast, a show dedicated to breaking down the walls of race and denomination and challenging men to take their God assigned role! They discuss a man's need for Godly friendships and accountability - as well as their own relationship.

May 25, 2021

Nikita is joined by financial planner, Nick Pangakis, a fan from Youngsville, NC, to answer the following questions: Did you have a friendship with Magnum TA outside of the ring? Were you apprehensive about teaming up with Dusty Rhodes at the time of Magnum TA's accident? And why did we never see you in the...

May 22, 2021

Nikita is with Kannapolis, NC based entrepreneur Rocky Wagner, a friend of many years, talking about his involvement in the NASCAR scene, as well as his miraculous conversion to Christ at 62-years-old, after a lifetime of prayers from his mother.

May 18, 2021

Nikita is joined by longtime friend and real-estate agent Justin Porter for a round of questions, including: What were you like outside of the wrestling ring? How did you go out in public while having to maintain your Russian persona? Did you have anyone you would dread matching up against? And during your wrestling...

May 15, 2021

Nikita is once again joined by Rasheed Akther of Light of Life Ministry, to discuss Christian persecution in Pakistan and the loss of his wife and two daughters, after which he began doing crusades throughout Pakistan.