Dec 14, 2024
Borzoi, Shane and Spectre peel back the ugly, sociopathic, depraved and craven nature of America and Americans and walk right up to that Brandenburg v Ohio line for Luigi “The Adjuster” Mangione where gunshots are punction (Happy Christmas!), we look at the Reddit Flags around hero Luigi who they plan to Milkshake...
Dec 7, 2024
Borzoi, Shane and Spectre celebrate the Christmas season by looking at the jewish subversion of Christmas lore, tradition, entertainment and music – and more importantly the why and the outcome of it. We also take a peak at the “they’re just like us” state of homosexuals who just want to be in more Hallmark...
Nov 28, 2024
Shane and Spectre take a comfy, hygge, lazy Thanksgiving Thursday to shoot the breeze about movies, books, TV, language, general content, holidays and, oh, there’s a lot on jews here. I mean, a lot. Like are they obsessed? They talk about this Holocaust thingy even. Anyway have some goon yams and a drumstick, because...
Nov 17, 2024
Bellerophon, Shane and Spectre talk about the growing illiteracy and innumeracy of browning America, the conservative desire to make Thomas Sowell neighborhoods real, how Irish schools just aren’t doing enough about this “Holocaust” thingy, and finally delve deep into jewish moral and language inversion in their...
Nov 3, 2024
Oh boy. Borzoi, Shane and Spectre discuss virtue vs. virtue signaling, and then follow the trials and tribulations of international traveling mohels, discover Detective Fury: Defender of the Foreskins, then enjoy some American History Kikel as we learn that the jew-pill is that finally, jews are gonna take their own...