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Dr. Lotte: Science with Soul

Oct 29, 2022

Dr. Arielle Schwartz is a clinical psychologist, EMDR consultant, somatic psychotherapist, yoga instructor, and internationally sought-out teacher. She is dedicated to offering informational health and wellness updates through her writing, public speaking, social media presence, and blog. Dr. Schwartz is an author of...

Oct 15, 2022

William Peters, M.Ed, MFT, is the founder of the Shared Crossing Project whose mission is to positively transform relationships to death and dying through education and raising awareness about shared crossings and their healing benefits. As the director of the Shared Crossing Research Initiative (SCRI), William and his...

Oct 1, 2022

Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes grew up in South Carolina and spent the earlier part of her career as a business owner. Having served three years of military service in the United States Army Reserves, Temple became a Science of Mind minister in 1991 and an ordained Unity Minister in 2007. Described as a prophet and mystic for...