Apr 10, 2021
Kelvin Chin is Executive Director & Founder of the “Turning Within” Meditation and Overcoming the Fear of Death Foundations. He is an internationally-recognized meditation teacher featured in Business Insider, Newsweek, Kaiser Health News, has spoken at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, and taught at West Point and in the U.S. Army, including on the DMZ in Korea. He’s been meditating for 50 years, teaching it for 47 years, had many experiences “piercing the veil,” and his past life memories go back 6,000 years.
Kelvin is the author of the new book, Marcus Aurelius Updated: 21st Century Meditations On Living Life — a collection of essays ranging from Emotions, Life Principles, Meditation, and the Spiritual. His first book Overcoming the Fear of Death is also a bestseller. He has taught in healthcare and universities, is a graduate of Dartmouth, Yale and Boston College Law, and has lived in 7 countries.
Facebook @ Kelvin.Chin1
Instagram @Kelvin.H.Chin