Jul 17, 2021
Karen Curry Parker is a best-selling author of seventeen books,
the world’s top selling Human Design Author, superstar coach to
Hollywood writers, billionaires and CEO’s of major fortune 500
corporations, TEDx speaker, and award-winning podcaster.
Karen is the Founder & Creator of two professional trainings, the
Quantum Human Design for Everyone Training System™ and The Quantum
Alignment System™ and she is the Founder of the Quantum Human
Design™ Membership Community. She has over 25 years of experience
as one of the world’s first trained Life Coaches, 23 years as an
Energy Psychology Practitioner and 22 years as a Human Design
teacher and author.
Karen has a deep love for helping people activate their highest
potential, which in part is why she created Quantum Human Design™.
Her core mission is to help people live the life they were designed
to live by discovering who they are, what they are here to do and
how to align with their creative self-expression and activate their
authentic life path.
Website: https://www.quantumalignmentsystem.com/
Membership Community: www.QuantumHumanDesign.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karencurryparker
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karencurryparker
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/karencurryparker
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/karencurryparker
FREE Quantum Human Design™ Chart: quantumhumandesign.com/freechart