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The Warrior Mama Podcast

Mar 16, 2022

Welcome back to the kitchen table. Bethany is continuing the series Where Practical Meets Jesus, where we can look at real-life moments in motherhood through the lens of the Gospel and effectively apply it to motherhood. This week Bethany is having a conversation around those moments when our children disappoint us by their actions or life choices.   

Bethany points listeners back to the framework of the five components:

  •  We understand that we are shepherding a soul in need of a Savior. 

  •  We rely on God for His wisdom and perspective.

  • We are consistent in our messaging.

  •  We pray. 

  • We speak words of Life. The Gospel truth. 


She hones explicitly in on prayer and its power in these moments where we can no longer demand or control the choices children make. Bethany emphasizes the importance of engaging with our children in a way that when the world with all of its offering comes to an end. They will know where true peace and joy are found.


Bethany talks to listeners about how to partner with God and utilize prayer. She encourages listeners to turn to God for him to show you the things your kids are struggling with and pray scripture that speaks to those struggles. 


Related scriptures on how to pray:

Luke 11 
Psalm 116: 1-2
Psalm 40: 1
Colossians 1

If you’re struggling to get started with prayer, reach out to Bethany here to grab your free prayer guide. 


Bethany welcomes you to share some of your favorite moments or maybe some of your most difficult moments of motherhood.


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