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The Warrior Mama Podcast

Sep 28, 2022

Welcome back to the kitchen table. This week Bethany is joined by a dear friend, Rachael Adams, for a beautiful conversation. Motherhood is an extremely high calling, a glorious undertaking, and the most important job in the world. Yet, we can lose ourselves in seeing our significance. 


Many mothers can get lost in the mundane tasks of the day-to-day, from washing bottles, playing hide and seek with pacifiers, and rallying through the car pickup lines. As life moves forward and culture places value on the bigger and better, we lose sight of our significant contributions. 


Rachael and Bethany speak light on the impact of the little moments and our true impact on the world by raising our children. This episode provides hope, and inspiration and speaks enormous value on the role that God has specifically chosen for you. 


Connect with Rachael: 

Rachael is a mother to two, a writer, a podcaster, and a true southern mama. She and her husband, Bryan, run a family business and farm in Kentucky with their twochildren, Will and Kate, and two doodle dogs. Her mission is to help remind other mamas of their significance and that their life matters. 

Listen to her Podcast 
Buy A Little Goes A Long Way: 52 Days to a Significant Life


Connect with Bethany:
