Indiana sheriff says prayer in school is the only way to stop kids from being murdered -
Christian group ‘investigating’ family and staff of 2016 candidates to expose gay sympathizers
Allen West Blames Football Injuries On Church-State Separation
Husband sets wife on fire in Pakistan 'honour killing'
Pat Robertson: ‘Smack’ your children to protect them from ‘evil’ devil music in iPods
John Kasich awaits signal from God on presidential bid
Televangelist Creflo Dollar claims Pokemon causes homosexuality
Father who beat children with cricket bat refused 'Working with Children' check
Texas lawmaker refuses to meet with constituents who don’t share her views, staff says it is ‘a waste of time’
Rafael Cruz Continues To Blame Church-State Separation For Violent Crime, Teen Pregnancy
Texas Woman Arrested in Alleged Attempt to Resurrect Dead Toddler
Bill O'Reilly: It's 'Open Season' On Christians And White Men (VIDEO)
Miracles From Heaven': Near-Fatal Fall Cures Sick Little Girl's Symptoms