Ten Years Later: The Lasting Impact of the 2009 NAS Report
Badly Fragmented Forensic Science System Needs Overhaul - Evidence to Support Reliability of Many Techniques is Lacking
A call for more science in forensic science
Science organizations renew call for independent U.S. committee on forensics
We Must Strengthen the "Science" in Forensic Science - Scientific American Blog Network
Is Crime Forensics Flawed?
Q&A: The U.S. Department of Justice scrapped independent forensics panel, but the scientific questions ‘are not going away’
Jeff Sessions Is Keeping Junk Science in America's Courts
Another Reprieve for Expert Testimony That Is Anything But
Junk Science Is Being Used to Convict Innocent People - ATTN:
The Fascinating Physics of Blood Splatters
Reversing the legacy of junk science in the courtroom
Forensics gone wrong: When DNA snares the innocent
Should We Trust Forensic Science?
Lives in Balance, Texas Leads Scrutiny of Bite-Mark Forensics
Forensic science is biased and inaccurate, but juries believe it and convict the innocent.
Serrita Mitchell DNA: The unsettling, underregulated world of crime labs.
Episode 94: The Goofy Pseudoscience Copaganda of TV Forensics
The Appeal Podcast: The Pseudoscience behind Forensic Science
Faulty Forensics: Explained
The Innocence Files