Show Notes
Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Beloved by America's Ruling Class, Finally Dies
Elon Musk to advertisers who are trying to ‘blackmail’ him: ‘Go f--- yourself’
Romney says any Democrat would be ‘an upgrade’ over Trump in 2024 | The Hill
Donald Trump Says He Never Swore Oath 'to Support the Constitution'
Trump's J6 legal defense: he never swore to support the Constitution, despite taking an oath to protect it
Mike Pence: My Son Had to Remind Me Not to Let Trump Steal the Election | Vanity Fair
Pennsylvania lawmaker cites Genesis 8 as proof that climate change is fake
Diplomas for sale: $465, no classes required. Inside one of Louisiana's unapproved schools
Christian prophetess made up the wackiest theory about why some people are LGBTQ+ - LGBTQ Nation
How the Meat Industry Undermines Effective Climate Policy | The New Republic
‘No no no. Avoid them all’: anti-vaccine conspiracies spread as UK cases of measles increase | MMR | The Guardian
What we actually know about aliens, according to science