Jan 19, 2022
There's so much to talk about with each play that doesn't fit into the synopsis or into its own episode, so we've decided to cover several topics in this episode. In this episode, we discuss major thematic elements in Shakespeare's King Lear as well as topics that are usually covered or talked about in reference to this...
Jan 5, 2022
Let's start diving into a play that is widely considered to be one of Shakespeare's best: King Lear. First up, as always, let's review the plot with a synopsis.
Shakespeare Anyone? is created and produced by Kourtney Smith and Elyse Sharp.
Note: When this episode was recorded, Kourtney Smith was "Korey Leigh...
Jan 5, 2022
Quick annoucement time! We are launching a Patreon!
Patreon patrons will get access to exclusive bonus content throughout the year. The link is also in the episode description.
Shakespeare Anyone? is created and produced by Korey Leigh Smith and Elyse Sharp.
Music is "Neverending Minute" by Sounds Like Sander.