Sep 27, 2023
What happens if someone writes the best book on the planet… but no one ever finds out about it? For anyone who has a message, idea, or project to share with the world, a crucial piece of the puzzle is actually *marketing* it. And in a current publishing world more complex — and more accessible — than ever, it helps to have an expert by your side. Our latest guest is that expert.
Ben Gioia is a three-time best-selling author, podcast, and international radio show host who helps folks make an impact as an expert with their book, enjoy 5-figure speaking fees, and get leads, clients, and partners before publishing. He’s trained hundreds of millionaires and helped a Fortune 100 create a mindfulness video game for 20,000 employees.
Tune into the full episode for more on the tools Ben teaches authors for writing and marketing their book projects, what writers should know about self-publishing vs traditional publishing, why a book can be an effective business card, and a lot more.
Here’s a Glimpse of What You’ll Learn:
How Ben helps clients accelerate the book-writing process and get to a first draft in as little as 5 weeks
How to figure out pricing as a service provider or businessperson, depending on the value you bring your clients
What Ben means when he says that authors should use their books to start the conversations with clients
Some of the misconceptions of self-publishing and the downsides of traditional publishing
Why “if you build it they will come” is a bad strategy for marketing your book, plus more details about cost for self-publishing a book in today’s age
How to “make your brilliance relevant” for the masses
The one thing Ben has his authors do first when it comes to marketing their books
Why Ben’s process “stirs the pot really fast” — and why people should ride that wave
How Ben measures success with his book-writing clients
Why “smiling” is on the list of habits Ben has tried to integrate into his life to be his best self
What makes Ben say, “holy crap, the Buddha!” — plus an important book recommendation from his own life
More about Ben’s upcoming event to help people market their books and podcasts
Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
“Old Path White Clouds: Walking in the Footsteps of the Buddha” by Thich Nhat Hanh
Buy a copy of “Lost at CEO: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Strategy” by Carl J. Cox